For the love of E-Books

I can admit it: When e-books first emerged on the scene, I was on the Doomsday side of things. I read all the articles and waxed to anyone who would listen about the death of the physical book, of libraries, of bookstores. The prospect felt grim. What would my shelves look like if I couldn't line them year after year with touchable, holdable books?

Fast forward a decade (or more, who's counting?) and I'll say it: I've come around. The e-book has settled in beautifully to our reading landscape. It didn't kill the physical book at all. Instead, it just added a layer for readers: The ability to transport thousands of books tucked under an arm. When I'm at home, I really paper books, but when I'm travelling I pack an e-book filled with more books than I could put in a transport truck. Sometimes, I interchange the same book in paper and e-book versions. I love the hunt that comes from searching for exactly where I last left off on either one.

In related news, the e-book version of Still Mine will be available via BookBub this Friday October 21st. BookBub is a most excellent resource for e-book enthusiasts, offering many great deals a day on bestsellers in all genres. I'll certainly be loading up my e-reader as I get ready to fly west for the Vancouver Writers' Festival

Amy Stuart